Hair care and healthWhy do women lose hair on their sides? Causes and tips

Why do women lose hair on their sides? Causes and tips

The mysterious lateral hair loss in women: Causes and solutions.

Hair loss in women that occurs on the sides

Full, shiny hair is a sign of health and attractiveness. Sudden hair loss therefore often leads to psychological discomfort and insecurity for those affected. It is crucial to get to the bottom of the causes. If women experience hair loss on the sides, this indicates hereditary alopecia. The good news is that it can be treated if detected at an early stage.

AZERUM for you

Treat your scalp to care with our effective serum and you will be rewarded with new fullness from your hair. Thanks to our innovative ingredients, hair growth is stimulated and your hair is given more volume. Expect visible results with anticipation.

AZERUM for you

Treat your scalp to care with our effective serum and you will be rewarded with new fullness from your hair. Thanks to our innovative ingredients, hair growth is stimulated and your hair is given more volume. Expect visible results with anticipation.

Reasons for hair loss on the sides in women

If hair loss occurs on the forehead, temples and along the crown of the head, this is often due to androgenetic alopecia. The cause of congenital hair loss in women is a hypersensitivity of the hair follicles to androgens. The male sex hormones accelerate the life cycle of the hair. They cause the fine blood vessels that supply the hair follicles with micronutrients to recede. Due to the overproduction of DHT (dihydrotestosterone), the follicles atrophy and eventually die. As a result, new hair no longer forms at this point. This form of hair loss progresses gradually. The hair continues to thin out over time and becomes less and less.

Hormonal influences on hair loss in women

Hereditary hair loss in women is often closely linked to hormonal fluctuations or disorders. This process usually begins between the ages of 30 and 40 and is particularly common during the menopause. Hormonal changes play a decisive role as they can influence the hair cycle. However, women can also notice changes in the hair structure at other stages of life, such as puberty or pregnancy, which can manifest itself in hair loss on the sides and crown. It is important to understand how hormones can affect hair loss in order to take specific measures to prevent or treat it. A dermatologist or endocrinologist can provide valuable support in the diagnosis and treatment of hormone-related hair loss in women.

AZERUM for you

Treat your scalp to care with our effective serum and you will be rewarded with new fullness from your hair. Thanks to our innovative ingredients, hair growth is stimulated and your hair is given more volume. Expect visible results with anticipation.

AZERUM for you

Treat your scalp to care with our effective serum and you will be rewarded with new fullness from your hair. Thanks to our innovative ingredients, hair growth is stimulated and your hair is given more volume. Expect visible results with anticipation.

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